
Sava Manojlović (1960)

Prati umetnika


Liv Toth

“ Pareidolia is the psycological phenomenon of perceiving significant shapes in vague stimulus: faces in clouds, human figures in streams, or entire landscapes in single pieces of rock. Such tricks of the mind reflect a deep need for emotional connection with environment.

Sava Manojlovic’s work speaks to such desires. His paintinhs are evocative studies in placidness. Human figures are inextricably intertwined with the landscape, offering a picture of ecological unity.

In Manojlovic’s work, forms and figures issue from rock-scapes or melt into abstract rivers. Each entity’s existence is predicated on the presence of the other, drawing our attention to states of balance and simbiosis in the natural world.

Art is often used as away of processing past experience in the present moment, and Manojlovic’s paintings and drawings are laced with nostalgia.

Here, personal histories are employed in pursut of general truths”.

Liv Toth, Visual Arts Critic 2009.

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